Component No.2

Science – SMA, Pearls and Giant Clams and Monitoring
Component 2 is strengthening the Knowledge Base for Fisheries and Aquaculture under the Fisheries Science Division with the objective of this to improve fisheries science for informed management decision-making to underpin the three selected fisheries and two aquaculture species supported by the Project. The component is organized in three sub-components:

Three Sub-Components

  • Improving Fisheries Science for Decision-making of the Selected Fisheries. This sub-component will support MOF to improve fulfillment of its obligations in fisheries monitoring and stock assessment to FFA, SPC and WCPFC. Specific work includes conducting monitoring and assessment studies for improving fisheries science for decision making in offshore and inshore commercial fisheries. It is expected that by the end of the Project, the tuna longline, deep water snapper and inshore commercial fisheries will have their catch and effort data systematically recorded annually.  


  • Developing High Potential Aquaculture Technologies. This sub-component will support Tonga’s small aquaculture industry, prioritizing two well established aquaculture products - mabé pearls and giant clams - to expand their positive economic impacts. Specific activities will include developing high potential aquaculture technology for mabé pearls and giant clams, by:

  • Strengthening Tonga’s Special Management Area Program. The objective of this sub-component is to support MOF in strengthening and expanding the SMA program. The Project will specifically support the Ministry of Fisheries in strengthening its SMA program


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Community Assets


Community Assets

Marker buoys

Community Assets

Fish Aggregating Devices


We Believe in Team Work
The Pearl Farmers Association
Aquaculture industry
Local fishing associations
SMA communities
  • Highlight
    ·       Deployment of 3 pearl long lines in TBU

    1. Sopu Youth Associaton

    2. Sopu Fisheries Association

    3. Pangai Motu private farmer

    ·  Spats distribution for farmers in HP after HTHH
  • Highlight
       VO’s very first harvesting and processing of farmed sea cucumbers

    ·       2000 juveniles stocked into the Pangaimotu sea cucumber farm cage
  • Highlight
    ·       Deployment of 3 pearl long lines in TBU

    1. Sopu Youth Associaton

    2. Sopu Fisheries Association

    3. Pangai Motu private farmer

    ·  Spats distribution for farmers in HP after HTHH
  • images

  • Highlight
    ·       Deployment of 3 pearl long lines in TBU

    1. Sopu Youth Associaton

    2. Sopu Fisheries Association

    3. Pangai Motu private farmer

    ·  Spats distribution for farmers in HP after HTHH
  • images

Tonga: Pathway to Sustainable Oceans

Halafononga ki ha Ngātai Tu’uloa Tonga

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